melanoma is a type of eye cancer that is formed from the choroid cells
which are pigmented, and this type of tumor is primary, meaning that it is not
spread onto the choroid cells, yet it is arisen from the particular cells
themselves. It is unnecessary to stress out how serious this condition is,
however, it is important to accentuate the notion that not all types of
chroidal melanomas are malignant and life-threatening. Still, the doctors exert
caution and they tend to approach the treatment as it is a malignant type of
cancer every time a positive diagnosis has been established. The melanoma of
the choroid can be diagnosed by specialized ophthalmology examination. The
doctor can determine the melanoma by noticing the pigmentation grade of the
tumor, its location and its shape as well as the other unusual features
observed through the course of the examination. Contrasting to the fact that
the tumors in other parts of the body need specialized equipment and medical
tools in order to be visible, choroidal melanomas are directly observable
through the "windows of the soul" of the patient. In the vast
majority of the cases, the ophthalmologists can be almost 100% sure of the
established diagnosis from the clinical exam, the appearance as well as the
ultrasound pictures. Therefore, in case of suspicion of melanoma of the choroid
the need for biopsy is redundant.
The specialized test for diagnosing a choroidal melanoma
In case the ophthalmologist
suspects of the possibility of choroidal
melanoma, in accordance with the oncologist, he may order several types of
specialized test which can show whether the diagnosis is true or not. These
tests are ultrasound or medically dubbed as echography and fluorescein
angiography. During the echography test, the tumor is being examined with the
help of the probe, (located on top of the eyeball), through which the doctor
directs series of sound waves. The pattern that is created from the reflection
of the directed sound waves is an excellent tool from which the doctor can draw
conclusions. Fluorescein angiography is also a highly helpful test. The sole
purpose of this test is to determine the shape, the exact location and the
stage of the tumor.
Positive diagnosis of choroidal melanoma
When the positive diagnosis
of choroidal melanoma has been
established, the next step is to determine its progression rate. This means
that the doctor must determine whether it is a benign or malignant tumor and
how quick is its progression rate. In case the tumor is dormant, the doctor may
advise against any kind of aggressive therapy, however, for fear that the tumor
is malignant, the doctors advise the patient to consider enucleation.
Choroidal melanoma and enucleation
Patients who have been diagnosed with a
malignant type of choroidal melanoma
are advised to subject themselves for enucleation, which is a medical term for
eye removal. Although it sounds radical, it is the only way to stop the patient
from total loss of vision (on the both eyes) and spread of the cancer cells
throughout the whole body, in which the death is the only outcome.
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